Pan Pills

drain pan pills

Does your Air Conditioner have bad odour?

Use our Pan Pills for keeping air conditioner condensate drain pans clean from odour causing germs.
Blocked condensate drain pans with water is a reservoir for germs that can cause diseases.
Pan Pills clean and prevent scale, corrosion, clogging and objectionable odors from forming in condensate drain pans
Pan Pills are non-corrosive, biodegradable and safe on all plastic and metal surfaces.
Pan Pills will not dissolve into small pieces fast.
To provide long lasting protection, one Pan Pill will remain active for up to one month when placed in the condensate drain pan.
The main characteristics of the Pan Pills are as follows:  
  • PH value is neutral, effectively preventing the drain pan from being corroded.
  • Prevent the growth and accumulation of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms.
  • Can be used for a wide variety of air conditioners, fan coil units, freezers and low temperature rooms.
  • Ideal for Homes, Offices, Hotels, Malls, Palaces, etc
  • Pan Pills have a pleasant cherry fragrance that helps unwanted odors.
  • Super prices
How to use the Pan Pills?
Just place 1 pill in the drain pan and let the Pan Pill do its work. For best results, empty the dirty drain pan first.
It is recommended to place the Pan Pill at the far end of the drain outlet of the water storage pan which allows the condensation water flowing through to carry the purified material into the drain pipe.
Rubber gloves should be used when touching the Pan Pills.
Did you know?
We also have a large variety of condensate pumps that are competitively priced.
We are the Sole Agent for ChemClean Drain Pan Pills in the UAE.  
Finally, we also have a large variety of condensate pumps that are competitively priced.